ANNETTE MARIE SMITHIMPRESSIONSI don't know if anyone ever told youbut the cars actually like it when it rains. They like splashing through the puddles and using their wipers and defrosters with their...
VICTORIA TANKERSLEYIMPRESSIONSSisyphus, the Minnesota DuckIn the Mississippi, just upstream from the Stone Arch Bridge, resides the duck Sisyphus, condemned for duck eternity to swim away from...
CASEY PATRICKIMPRESSIONSFracturesEnglewood pulls me when I’m most fractured. Frogtown was home for seventeen years before moving away; Infrequent visits thereafter made...
SAYMOUKDA DUANGPHOUXAY VONGSAYIMPRESSIONSWhen Everything Was EverythingI interrupted my class when I walked in, returned from an ESL session. Mr. Smith made everyone read out loud, stopping when they want to....
CASEY PATRICKIMPRESSIONSMigrationThe day my hands turn to birds I’ll walk to the edge of the lake and release them to the sky. How could I keep such restlessness with me?...
ANNIE THOMPSONIMPRESSIONScity dawnhave you ever felt the night rise from the city? the plush dark sighs, and her breath fogs up the pane between planet and universe so...
CHARLES PATTERSON CURRYIMPRESSIONSheritagesmallpox scarlet fever cholera avarice these came with the earliest arrivals once ashore raced ahead devastated Susquehannock Munsee...
MARCIE RENDONIMPRESSIONSWiigwaasabakOur ancestors dreamt your future The iron rail, Angus cows slumbering in shorn prairie The buffalo remembered only on the metal That buys...