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I’m quite excited about Saint Paul Almanac’s new virtual project,
The Magazine. The launch of this publication is momentous. It
marks ou
r journey into the next generation as we approach our 20th anniversary, striving to expand our online literary presence around
the USA and beyond.  It’s a timely action. A noteworthy CNN article reported in February 2023 that both independent presses and university/college presses have either shut down
their literary magazines or are strug
gling to keep them afloat chiefly for financial reasons.


As an independent press, Arcata Press | Saint Paul Almanac (SPA) deems it necessary to counter the demise of the literary magazine. We’re endeavoring to do our part to help writers and poets get published—especially new and emerging literary artists with fresh expressions and unconventional approaches to writing.  Typically, such nontraditional creativity is often dismissed by mainstream presses.  Literary artists from underserved and underrepresented communities need more access to publishing, not less. And literary magazines are necessary to the growth and recognition of writers
and poets, and to the very future of literature.


An extraordinary aspect that sets SPA apart from other independent presses is our Community Editor Apprenticeship.
The operative word is “community.”  We bring individuals together across the spectrum of age (16 – 80+), ethnicity, gender, language, religion, and socio- economic class. They learn to engage in a group decision-making process that produces a democratic literary review with an equity lens. This unique review process is the cornerstone of SPA!  Such a foundation enables us to foster our mission: we share stories across cultures and cultivate dialogue to promote understanding, relationships, and collaborative action.


I hope you’ll enjoy this first issue!

Pamela R. Fletcher Bush

Cover Art Saint Paul Almanac Vol 13 crp.jpg


Thanks for submitting!

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