I wish to lay before this world
the last universal ancestor,
to learn every word for grandmother,
to enter a state of natural competence,
to laugh in any language,
to return to many trillions of cells searching
for one another in dark waters.
Poem: MOLLY SOWASH is a graduate of Macalester College who loves writing poetry, growing food, and singing in her trio, Mama Caught Fire. She feels grateful to live in a city that appreciates and supports artists and writers so heartily.
Art: ROSEMARY DAVIS is a photographer and writer. Her undergraduate degree in visual communication (photography, film, and video) from the University of Minnesota provided a foundation for twenty-five years of work in film and video production. She is the author of the memoir Before They Left Us about San Francisco in the ’70s. Her interests include architecture, documentary films, and book arts. Rosemary tends a large, overgrown garden.