The day after Prince died. I’m in Minneapolis,
watching a ballet. At the end, they dedicate
two songs to an icon, encourage a dance party
in the overlit aisles. Purple ballerinas
swoop across the stage. I clap, bounce
on my heel. On either side, the audience
shuffles, unsure. Later, a woman
on the train saw the program
in my lap. Asked me, Are you
a dancer? My nylon-slick knees
knocked together as the train
hugged a curve. I decide: I am.
Poem: MADELINE REDING has had her work published in Midway Journal and The Fulcrum, and she is a recipient of the George Henry Bridgman Poetry Award. She studies creative writing and biology in Saint Paul, where she lives with her zebra finches, Pip and Felix.
Art: KENNETH CALDWELL focuses on creating contemporary art influenced by the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Arts Movement, and the hip hop genre. Using acrylic, oil, pastels, and mixed media, Kenneth creates images that reflect people, music, and emotions. A Minnesota native, he started his career in the field of visual arts as a young student attending North High School in Minneapolis. Kenneth has a distinctive artistic style that incorporates his love of music. He teaches art at Sojourner Truth Academy and runs a paint class named CaldToArt Paint Time.
